Meatless Monday: Grilled Veggie Parmesan Sandwich!

This Meatless Monday I have a tasty sandwich idea for you to try. Grilled Veggie Parmesan Sandwich. Yes I know already you are thinking… WHAT?? But this sandwich is super easy and tasty, and a bit messy too.

I first made these sandwiches at a restaurant I worked at right out of culinary school. We would grill halved zucchini (and eggplants slices sometimes) and then slice them into thin slices. We would then arrange the vegetables on a pie plate in a circle – about the size of our bread – top with a few spoonfuls of Marinara sauce (or your favorite spaghetti sauce) and heat. When it was all warm, add a slice of your favorite cheese- we used Provolone and heat until melted.

Now, carefully slip that whole arrangement onto a piece of toasted whole wheat bread.


We used to serve these with a second “top” of bread, but when I make them at home, they are so messy that we are better off to serve them open-faced on a plate and cut up with knife and fork.

Now that we have discovered the Trader Joe’s Marinated Grilled Eggplant & Zuchinni (Misto alla Griglia) we can make them much more often.  Sometimes we sprinkle the hot veggies and sauce with some Parmesan cheese just before adding the sliced provolone. But sometimes we forget that too!

grilled veggies

We hope you love these quirky/ messy sandwiches as much as we do! Sorry there is no photo…we ah forgot and just started eating! OOPS!

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