
Easy Tasty Garlic Bread

Trader Joe's Toast

Trader Joe's Toast

Do you love garlic bread?  We do too!

We used to only eat garlic bread when we were enjoying a bowl of pasta or some other Italian –inspired dish.  As there are only two of us, it was hard at times to justify purchasing this huge loaf of bread as we would never finish it before it got all hard and stale (not to mention all those unpronounceable ingredients).

Now with this new recipe, we can enjoy eating garlic bread with all kinds of meals such as soups stews as well as when we are eating pasta. This recipe is great for small families or singles who want to enjoy garlic bread as you can make as much as you need (a slice or two for each person) and not have half a loaf of garlic bread leftover.

Here is our easy recipe to make garlic bread at home that has a ton of flavor and few ingredients (and no “weird” stuff).  We are not sure where we first saw this idea. Maybe a TV program or we read it in a cookbook perhaps- who knows- (quite possibly Rachel Ray) …Wherever we gathered this idea from- THANKS! We just love to make our garlic bread this way. If you are just learning 2 cook, this is a great, easy addition to any meal. We bet you will make this garlic bread again and again.

Trader Joe's garlic

Trader Joe's garlic bread


  • A “sturdy” loaf of bread, such as Trader Joe’s Artisan bread (Roasted garlic with Thyme or Asiago cheese are both good)
  • Garlic cloves (Trader Joe’s Colossal  Garlic )
  • Trader Joe’s salted Butter (or olive oil if you like)

Lets Cook!

Basically what we are going to do here, is toast the bread, and rub the dry toasty bread with a piece of garlic and then spread with butter. So you need to cut and toast the amount of bread that you would like to eat/serve per person.  The bread also needs to be hearty or sturdy- like a handmade or Artisan loaf (sourdough works great too) with a thick crust and a chewy texture.

Colossal Garlic
Colossal Garlic

Next, peel a whole clove of garlic, and cut off one of the tips. Now rub the cut clove over the surface of the hot toasty bread. Don’t forget to rub the crusts with the garlic clove too.

Now, spread the garlicky bread with butter (or drizzle with some olive oil).

That’s it! Enjoy!!

Yes it is THAT easy to make really great garlic bread.  Now that you are trying some new recipes at home, we hope you give this one a try. It would be great served up with a home made soup, pasta meal or anything really… Do you really  need an excuse to enjoy great garlic bread?

Trader Joe's Roasted Garlic w/ Thyme

Trader Joe's Roasted Garlic w/ Thyme