
Banish Dry Hands

hand soap and lotion in a bathroom

Banish dry hands with Trader Joe’s Products!

We can admit this now… we purchase these products due to sheer laziness!

As you know we are regular shoppers at Trader Joe’s. But we usually just shop for food items. Over the Holiday’s we were soo busy and had run out of hand soap and lotion. Was it time to make the trip to the big box store?

Not so fast…

We have seen soap, lotions and shampoo products at Trader Joe’s before, just never thought to purchase them. How much better could they be we asked? Would they work on our dry, cracked, winter hands?


They are amazing! Incredible even!

We stuck these products in the bathroom and washed and moisturized as usual.  The soap is a lavender and chamomile scent and it pumps out thick and foams nicely.  The Moisturizing cream is unscented and pumps out thick as well. We thought they were working out great. Our hands became soft and did not become dry, red and cracked as it became colder and colder outside. In fact, it was not until we went to Kansas City for New Years that we really noticed how well these products were working for us.

On vacation, our hands became dry, rough and looked just horrible!

Now to be fair, there is a little bit of a temperature difference between Tucson and Kansas City in December, but we think it had more to do with the soaps we were using.  Because we were on the road, we were using whatever soap was available in the hotels and in restaurants. Eeks! Our hand quickly went from bad to worse. No matter how much or what brand of lotion we used, they stayed dry, red, and rough.

Once we returned to Tucson, we quickly resumed using the Trader Joe’s products on our dry winter hands. In only a few days, our dry cracked hands were smooth once more.

Official Names:

Trader Joe’s Hand Soap, Lavender & Chamomile

Trader Joe’s Moisturizing Cream, Unscented, Extra Dry Formula

So check out these product the next time you are shopping at your local Trader Joe’s. Let us know what you think about them.  Did they cure your dry winter hands?