
Trader Joe’s Manchego Cheese

Trader Joe's Manchego Cheese

Trader Joe's Manchego Cheese

Another great product discovered in the Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer, May 2010. To view The Fearless Flyer online, go to You will see the information right on the home page.

We actually re- discovered this cheese by flipping through the Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer. We both love Tapas, those little bits or snacks typical to a Spanish bar or restaurant. We have enjoyed many different kinds of cheeses that are served for Tapas- and really did not know their names. This cheese is fairly distinctive, as it is dry-firm and has a distinctive dark rind.

So we read about this nutty, sharp tangy cheese from Spain, and thought OK sounds fantastic, right? So we had to laugh when we arrived at Trader Joe’s to discover that we already knew about the cheese, just not by the official name. HA!

So anyway this is a great cheese. It is firm and nutty and kinda crumbles when you cut it into thin slices. It makes a great cheese to go on a cheese tray maybe with a soft, ripe pear and some crackers.

According to the Fearless Flyer, this is a sheep’s milk cheese (hey news to us) and has been make in Spain for hundreds of years- Even mentioned in Don Quixote! (OK, yes I am curious now, and will have to seek out the book to check).

Another source for all things food, The Food Lover’s Companion,   mentions that this cheese melts easily. Then this got me thinking about a fantastic cheese sauce or even a yummy macaroni and cheese- Spanish Style. Hmmmm….  Maybe I will need to switch up some menus this week to sneak in a potato-cheese –thingy… What do you think??

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