
Meatless Monday: Polenta Provencale

This week was just crazy busy for us, but we still wanted to enjoy our Meatless Monday in style so what did we do? Headed out to Trader Joe’s of course and in the freezer section found something new and exciting to try this week. What did we pick: Trader Joe’s Polenta Provencale.

Trader Joe's Polenta Provencale

Trader Joe's Polenta Provencale

Now we were not really sure what to expect with this item. We chose it because we were looking for a heat-and eat dinner choice for Meatless Monday AND we liked all the ingredients on the label.

I mean really who could resist a product that talks about combining polenta, spinach and peas in a spicy cream sauce??

Yikes! That did sound good…

This product is frozen (including the sauce) into small round pieces. The whole thing just sorta melted in the pan as I was stirring (over medium heat) . It was so easy and smelled wonderful as it was heating up.

Frozen Trader Joe's Polenta Provencale

Frozen Trader Joe's Polenta Provencale

Well you will be happy to know that this product did not disappoint. The polenta pieces were the size of a small egg, the peas were sweet and the spicy cream sauce was just wonderful and rich. The only small complaint that we had was that there was not enough spinach for our liking. But this was easily changed as we added some sliced fresh spinach and stirred it into the rich sauce.

Warm Polenta with extra spinach

Warm Polenta with extra spinach

The bottom line?

Trader Joe’s Polenta Provencale was a delicious quick dinner on a busy Meatless Monday. Next time we will serve it with some cooked brown rice to soak up all the yummy sauce!

Have you tried Trader Joe’s Polenta Provencale yet? What did you think??