
Easy Carrot Raisin Salad

 We got a craving recently for a childhood favorite: Carrot Raisin Salad.

Don’t you love it when you can take a trip down memory lane simply by dining on a meal? Well, we were unloading our groceries the other day and noticed that we placed the bag of carrots right next to a bag of raisins. Hmmmm .. we both started to say, remember enjoying carrot raisin salad as a kid?

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We decided to make some right away.

We also decided to keep it super easy and make homemade coleslaw dressing to use as the dressing for the salad as we both LOVE that easy and versatile dressing.

What we did: 

  • Grated up 1 lb of whole carrots
  • Tossed in about 1/2 cup raisins (maybe more…)
  • Tossed it with Easy Coleslaw Dressing

That was it! Super simple, right?

We enjoyed the salad right away on a bed of spinach. It was yummy. A nice mixture of an old friend and new tastes (in the form of the coleslaw dressing).

Luckily we had made enough carrot raisin salad to have it again the next day and this time we sprinkled the top with some sunflower seeds- which gave the salad a wonderful crunch and salty bit every now and then.

Do you love Carrot Raisin Salad? Try it and let us know what you think

BBQ Garbanzo Beans: An Awesome Vegan Meal!

Are you ready for our latest obsession? (well, one of them actually…..) It is BBQ Garbanzo beans!

Now the really funny thing is that Kansas City is SUCH a BBQ town… We have a huge selection of BBQ restaurants, cook off events and the like. It is one of those “cheats” that I will do – as I enjoy all the smoky, rich, sweet sauce- Yummo!  So when I found this awesome idea I love that I still can enjoy a vegetarian/ vegan meal and still getting in my BBQ flavors in.

Introducing … BBQ Garbanzo Beans!

Now I found this fabulous recipe idea in this awesome book:

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I have had the book for quite a while, and then recently I was clearing out the clutter (information for another post….) and I was like Yeah! So I started flipping around and found this recipe (p.116) for BBQ Bowl.


We just had to try it.

It is an amazingly simple combo that I think you will LOVE and like so many other meals, this just gets better and better over the next few days after you make it. What we like to do is make a 3 can batch on Sunday and then eat it for lunch etc.. during the week. DElish!

What you need:

  • Garbanzo Beans
  • BBQ Sauce
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese (optional, but surprisingly good)

What you do:

This is the super- simple part. This is how we make it, slightly different from the directions in the recipe book:

1. Drain and rinse the beans and the pour into a large pan on the stove.  Add about 1/4 cup of your favorite BBQ sauce to the pan with about half that amount of water. Stir carefully until you have beans sitting in a thin BBQ sauce.

2.  Now turn on the heat to medium and bring to a gentle boil. Continue to cook for a few minutes until the beans are warm and the BBQ sauce starts to get thick again.

3. Serve with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese, or add the cheese and allow to cool and then store in the refrigerator.

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BBQ Garbanzo beans, arugula salad and Sweet Potatoes- with lots of leftovers for work day lunches!

For serving suggestions we have served these with arugula salad greens and some chopped tomatoes. Another time we served it along side some quinoa.  It was also good with sweet potato fries (and extra BBQ sauce for dipping).

So give this interesting and surprising recipe a try… It makes a fantastic office lunch too!


Easy Halloween Recipes for Kids- Kindle E Book

Easy Halloween Recipes are HERE!

Are you searching for some easy to make (a bit silly) and not too scary Halloween Recipes you can make with your kids?

Well, we have the perfect book for you: Easy Halloween Recipes for Kids available right NOW as an instant download on your Amazon Kindle (or on your computer) so you can make these fun and spooky treats tonight!

One of my favorite recipes in the book! 

This Kindle e-book contains 20 recipes for breakfast, sandwiches and snacks that you can make for and with  your kids this year.

All the recipes are super short and the ingredients are from your local Trader Joe’s store (OR use items from your favorite store). Best of all, there is a picture for each recipe of how we made it, to give you an idea of what we did…. then you can get creative and let your imagination run wild!!

Check it out today and let us know what you think….. below in the comments or on Facebook~ Thanks!



P.S. Don’t have a Kindle??

Don’t worry –you can download the Kindle app for your phone, pad or computer and view the recipes in full color~ yeah! Here is the link to the Kindle For PC download:
Or grab your own Kindle here:

Broccoli and Garlic in pan

How to make Oven Roasted Broccoli

Broccoli and Garlic From Trader Joe's

Broccoli & Garlic

Here is an easy recipe that we make over and over again. In fact, it is Delaina’s favorite way to eat broccoli, and THAT  alone is saying something….

What is so special about it?

Well,  when you oven roast stuff (like fish, meat,  vegies etc…), the high heat sorta “sears” in the juices inside and usually gives it  nice brown-ish crusty coloring on some edges that just taste yummy.  This way also seems to concentrate the flavors in a very pleasant way as well.

Many of us are used to eating watery vegies that have been boiled (to death usually) or steamed, I know we used to steam our vegetables all the time.  Now to be fair, we still do steam vegetables on occasion, we just have a preferred cooking method for vegetables now, and that is oven roasted.

In fact, this method of cooking (Oven Roasting) is a great way to cook all sorts of vegetables.  So try this way the next time you are cooking broccoli and see what you think.  Then try it again with asparagus, green beans or carrots (just wonderful…).

Oven roasting works best with fresh vegetables. So here is an opportunity to cook those extra vegies that you get at the farmer’s market… You know… the ones you bought and bought  and then came home and said, “why did we buy all this XXXX”??    Yes, we do that too….

Warning: This is TASTY… You will love it!

Another bonus with oven roasting vegetables…. it is SUPER EASY.  One pan, in the oven for 30 minutes (more or less).  This way you can keep your eye on other more “needy” dishes on the stove.


  • Fresh Broccoli, enough to feed the number of folks you are cooking for.
  • Garlic cloves (OK this is an optional ingredient, but it just tastes FANTASTIC with the broccoli)
  • Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil

Here is How to Make Oven Roasted Broccoli:

1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Line a baking pan with aluminum  foil  -as large a pan as you need for the amount of broccoli you will cook so that the broccoli  will be in a single layer).

3. Rinse and trim the broccoli. This means I usually cut off any woody steams (maybe an inch or two from the bottom) and trim the broccoli into pieces so that the stems are no thicker than 1 inch. Dry with a clean kitchen towel to remove most of the moisture.

4. Separate the head of garlic into cloves. Remove the outer paper and cut the cloves in half, the long way. (so you have flat “coins” of garlic.

5. Place broccoli and garlic into a bowl, and toss with a spoon or two of olive oil until all the broccoli and garlic have a thin coat of oil.  Sprinkle  with salt and pepper and toss again.

Broccoli and Garlic in pan

Ready for the oven

6. Pour the broccoli and garlic into the foil lined pan. Place pan in the center of the hot oven. Let cook for 15 minutes, then stir the pan, and prick the broccoli with a fork to check the tenderness. Cook for 10 more minutes then stir and  check again for tenderness.

7. Remove when the broccoli is tender and has some brownish spots… and the garlic should also be brown in places and tender as well.

Cooked Broccoli and Galic from Trader Joe's

After Oven Roasting

OK so this is NOT our best photo, but I wanted you to TRY and see that the brown patches on the garlic and the fact that the broccoli is darker in some areas….  We gobbled up the whole batch of broccoli before we realized that this picture was a bit dark…. sorry…. I guess we will have to make another batch soon to try and get a decent photo….YUM!


We hope you get a chance to try to make Oven Roasted Broccoli … or Oven Roasted Vegies of any kind, before it gets too hot to have the oven on in the kitchen for that long.

Let us know how it went, and what you thought of this recipe….