
Easy Stuffing Recipe

Are you searching for an Easy Stuffing Recipe to make for Thanksgiving (or any meal ….)??.

Well keep reading and I will give you a very simple recipe that you will enjoy  with Turkey or any kind of roasted meat really…. I will admit that I love the stuffing leftovers (crusty corners) with cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes~ yum!

In my mind there are two important parts to the stuffing… the bread part or maybe stuffing base, and the flavoring parts which can include items celery and onions and also cranberries, sausage and the classic ingredient,  oysters (yikes … not in my stuffing thank you….).

Today I will share a basic/ simple stuffing that you can try as well as some options at the bottom to help you expand out into new flavors.

Easy Stuffing Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 loaf of Challah bread
  • 1 package of Diced Onions, garlic & Shallots (or 1 medium onion, diced fine)
  • 1 apple (optional) I used one large Honey Crisp
  • dried fruit (optional – I am using dried cranberries with orange oil from Trader Joe’s)
  • 1 package Hearty Vegetable Stock (or chicken stock, which ever you like best)
  • Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute ( 1 teaspoon- or more to taste)
  • Olive Oil, Salt & Pepper, dried or fresh Sage leaf –

How To:

1. Dice the Challah bread into 1-2 inch pieces. I like to dry the bread out for a bit, so I chopped it up before work today and then made the stuffing when I came home tonight.

2. Cook the package of diced onions, garlic and shallots together in a pan with olive oil  until they get a bit of color… Add the apple (chopped up small) if you are using and let it cook for a few minutes. Here is where I also add Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute and the dry Sage (maybe a 1/2 to a whole teaspoon or to taste…. this is where the real “stuffing” flavor comes from in my opinion ).

3.  I had some yummy dried cranberries with orange in the pantry and thought why not??  so I chopped them up just a bit and then added them to the pan for a few minutes to warm up.

4. Now add about a cup of the Hearty Vegetable Stock to the pan and let it come to a boil. I like to do this to “clean the pan” a bit and loosen up any brown flavor bits that might be on the bottom. The liquid will also “plump” up the dried fruits a little.

4. Pour the contents of the pan over the bread cubes and toss well. Add more stock from the carton until the bread is nicely moist but not too soggy….

5. Turn out the stuffing into a greased baking dish.

6. Now the stuffing is ready to place in the refrigerator until you are ready to heat it  up. I like to make stuffing a day or two ahead of time to let the flavors all blend together, but don’t worry  you can also make it and bake it right away….

Bake at 350 degrees  for 45 minutes covered. It will sorta steam. Remove foil after 30 minutes and let it get a bit crusty if you like….

Ta-da! You have just made Easy Homemade Stuffing! This stuffing might be OK for Vegetarians or Vegans as there are no animal products in the recipe, just check the ingredients in the Challah bread to make sure it is OK for you.

Ideas/ Options for Stuffing

  • Save up bread scraps/ ends/ toast that the kids did not finish etc… in the freezer and use for your stuffing.
  • Find day old bread specials at the store and use that for stuffing
  • Cornbread or Cornbread muffins are yummy crumbled for stuffing.
  • Try adding items like green onions, celery and other favorite vegetables to your stuffing.
  • For Southwest flavor, add diced green chilies to a cornbread base…. maybe sprinkle the top with cheese?

We hope you found this Easy Stuffing Recipe helpful for you. Leave a comment below or on Facebook and share what you used to make your stuffing…..