
Broccoli and Garlic in pan

How to make Oven Roasted Broccoli

Broccoli and Garlic From Trader Joe's

Broccoli & Garlic

Here is an easy recipe that we make over and over again. In fact, it is Delaina’s favorite way to eat broccoli, and THAT  alone is saying something….

What is so special about it?

Well,  when you oven roast stuff (like fish, meat,  vegies etc…), the high heat sorta “sears” in the juices inside and usually gives it  nice brown-ish crusty coloring on some edges that just taste yummy.  This way also seems to concentrate the flavors in a very pleasant way as well.

Many of us are used to eating watery vegies that have been boiled (to death usually) or steamed, I know we used to steam our vegetables all the time.  Now to be fair, we still do steam vegetables on occasion, we just have a preferred cooking method for vegetables now, and that is oven roasted.

In fact, this method of cooking (Oven Roasting) is a great way to cook all sorts of vegetables.  So try this way the next time you are cooking broccoli and see what you think.  Then try it again with asparagus, green beans or carrots (just wonderful…).

Oven roasting works best with fresh vegetables. So here is an opportunity to cook those extra vegies that you get at the farmer’s market… You know… the ones you bought and bought  and then came home and said, “why did we buy all this XXXX”??    Yes, we do that too….

Warning: This is TASTY… You will love it!

Another bonus with oven roasting vegetables…. it is SUPER EASY.  One pan, in the oven for 30 minutes (more or less).  This way you can keep your eye on other more “needy” dishes on the stove.


  • Fresh Broccoli, enough to feed the number of folks you are cooking for.
  • Garlic cloves (OK this is an optional ingredient, but it just tastes FANTASTIC with the broccoli)
  • Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil

Here is How to Make Oven Roasted Broccoli:

1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Line a baking pan with aluminum  foil  -as large a pan as you need for the amount of broccoli you will cook so that the broccoli  will be in a single layer).

3. Rinse and trim the broccoli. This means I usually cut off any woody steams (maybe an inch or two from the bottom) and trim the broccoli into pieces so that the stems are no thicker than 1 inch. Dry with a clean kitchen towel to remove most of the moisture.

4. Separate the head of garlic into cloves. Remove the outer paper and cut the cloves in half, the long way. (so you have flat “coins” of garlic.

5. Place broccoli and garlic into a bowl, and toss with a spoon or two of olive oil until all the broccoli and garlic have a thin coat of oil.  Sprinkle  with salt and pepper and toss again.

Broccoli and Garlic in pan

Ready for the oven

6. Pour the broccoli and garlic into the foil lined pan. Place pan in the center of the hot oven. Let cook for 15 minutes, then stir the pan, and prick the broccoli with a fork to check the tenderness. Cook for 10 more minutes then stir and  check again for tenderness.

7. Remove when the broccoli is tender and has some brownish spots… and the garlic should also be brown in places and tender as well.

Cooked Broccoli and Galic from Trader Joe's

After Oven Roasting

OK so this is NOT our best photo, but I wanted you to TRY and see that the brown patches on the garlic and the fact that the broccoli is darker in some areas….  We gobbled up the whole batch of broccoli before we realized that this picture was a bit dark…. sorry…. I guess we will have to make another batch soon to try and get a decent photo….YUM!


We hope you get a chance to try to make Oven Roasted Broccoli … or Oven Roasted Vegies of any kind, before it gets too hot to have the oven on in the kitchen for that long.

Let us know how it went, and what you thought of this recipe….

Easy Salmon Dinner any night of the week

Trader Joe's Easy Salmon Dinner

Here is a great meal that is sooo easy to prepare that any night will some how seem to be a special occasion. So now when you have had a super busy day, or are just running around crazy, plan to try out this meal and see how easy a delicious meal can be with the help of Trader Joe’s.

This meal is not only healthy-ish  for the most part, salmon, green beans and potatoes…  (OK maybe the scalloped potatoes are NOT the most healthy choice, – but all things in moderation, right?– and these are GOOD! ) but this meal looks good, tastes great  and has these bonuses as well:

  • Bonus# 1 : This fantastic meal only has 3 main ingredients!
  • Bonus#2 : This delicious meal only takes 20 minutes to cook!
  • Bonus#3 : This wonderful meal is easy for new cooks!

How can this be, you ask? Well, because Trader Joe’s has taken care of all the prep work for you. When you roll into Trader Joe’s looking for something new and exciting, please give this one a try…


  • Trader Joe’s Scalloped Potatoes with Quattro Formaggio (in the refrigerated case, near the pasta in our Trader Joe’s)
  • Fresh or Thawed Salmon Fillets
  • Frozen Green Beans

What to do:

1. Start with the Salmon. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Oil a glass pan (like a pie pan), or another size that you have. If you don’t have a glass pan, then use whatever pan you like, and just line it with tin foil. Rinse the salmon and pat dry with paper towels.   Place salmon in the pan, and sprinkle with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.  Place the fish in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes.

2. Next start the scalloped potatoes.  Following the package directions, remove the cardboard surrounding the potatoes and place the package on a cookie sheet or other kind of pan, and peel back one corner to allow the potatoes to vent. Place the potatoes in the oven next to the salmon for 20 minutes.

OR following the package directions for the microwave and cook so that the salmon and the potatoes are done at about the same time.

3. Next is the green beans.  Cook in your favorite way. My favorite is to place beans in a small pot with a lid, and cover the beans with water. Heat on the stove (medium heat) until they are as tender as you like them. I say give the beans about 5 minutes and then test the beans with a fork every 2 minutes and see how tender/ soft they are getting. Drain off the water when they are done, and then you can add  salt and pepper and butter if you like.

OK when everything is ready, serve em up!

We just love this simple (salmon and green beans) and yet rich (oohh those scalloped potatoes) on a cold busy night.

Drop us a line to tell us how you liked your Easy Salmon Dinner…

Happy Cooking!!!

Finished Easy Salmon Dinner

Easy Chicken Dinner from Jamie Oliver

Trader Joe's Easy Chicken Dinner

Trader Joe's Easy Chicken Dinner

Here is a great, easy recipe from British Chef Jamie Oliver.

We were checking out Jamie’s website last week, and this wonderful recipe just sorta “poped” off the computer screen. Maybe it was the chicken legs all brown and toasty looking, or maybe all those little cherry tomatoes. It is hard to tell, but we can tell you that once we saw that photo, we were making out our shopping list for a trip to Trader Joe’s to purchase all the needed supplies. (OK- we are not the biggest fans of red chili so we did not include that in our recipe)


  • Chicken Legs (or leg quarters, but we bought legs ’cause we like them)
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • One head/ bulb  of garlic
  • Olive Oil/ Salt/ Pepper

Serve with some crusty bread to grab all the sauces!

Ohhhh the smells……

This easy one-pot dish that just smells heavenly while you let it cook away (yes the directions say to cook for one and a half hours! eeks that was a LONG time to smell someting this good.)

We sorta followed the recipe that Jame had on the website. Here was how we cooked this delicious dish:

1. Preheat the oven to 350. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and brown the chicken legs in a pan.

Trader Joe's Chicken Legs

Trader Joe's Chicken Legs

2. While the chicken is browning, separate the garlic into individual cloves and set aside.

Trader Joe's Garlic Head

Trader Joe's Garlic Head

3. Wash the basil in a bowl of water and rinse. Then pull the leafs off the stems, and set aside.

Trader Joe's Basil

Trader Joe's Basil

4. Wash the cherry tomatoes and  then cut in half.

Trader Joe's Tomatoes

Trader Joe's Tomatoes

5.  Place the garlic cloves, the basil and the tomatoes into a pan. Toss them together with a few spoonfuls of olive oil.

Tomatoes, basil and garlic

Tomatoes, basil and garlic

6. Place the browned chicken legs on top. Next time we make this, we will brown the chicken a bit more.

Easy Chicken Dinner

Ready for the Oven

7. Into the oven for one hour and thirty minutes. Stir half-way through the cooking, but be sure to keep all the chicken on the top of the dish. It will brown better that way.

Easy Chicken Dinner

Easy Chicken Dinner

Well, what do you think? Again let us caution you that the smells that came from the kitchen while this was cooking  were just unbelievable.

We hope you try this Easy Chicken Dinner sometime soon!

Trader Joe’s Beef, Bean & Cheese Dip

Trader Joes Beef, Bean and Cheese Dip

Trader Joes Beef, Bean and Cheese Dip

When you think of bean dip, do you think hot or cold?

Well, we usually serve this  dip  cold, made with beans, cheese, salsa and if it’s a “special” occasion, maybe sour cream or guacamole on top. This is fantastic during a hot summer, but eeks! it’s cold out folks!

So we were pleased to find this product at Trader Joe’s:  Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoned Beef, Bean & Cheese Dip.

We were looking for something new, to devour at 5pm as we waited for the rest of our group to assemble for a late night birthday dinner.   Also the Opening Ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics would be on that night, and nothing says “Party Food” like watching the Olympics. So we were searching for something rich and delicious to help us celebrate our many events that evening.

Now ironically we found this lovely item mixed in with the frozen snacks and appetizers.  We were looking for something new and different that would heat up easy/quick and be a little more filling than some that we usually purchase.

This item lived up to all our hopes…

We warmed it up from frozen and it was very quick in the microwave (only 4 minutes).  The contents of the tray were not a big blob of  “stuff” either. You could see the cheese, the green onions and sour cream patches. It actually looked very good and home made-ish…. Not exactly as beautiful as the package leads you to believe, but still presentable….

OK it would have looked more home made if we had placed the dip into a glass container, and not used  the little plastic tray….

As far as taste, it was wonderful. Everyone in our group agreed that it was in fact a “winner” and several people said that they would purchase this in the future.  In fact the only “problem” we had was to remember to take a  picture before we finished the entire tray!

Trader Joe's Beef, Bean & Cheese Dip

Trader Joe's Beef, Bean & Cheese Dip

So two thumbs up for Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoned Beef, Bean & Cheese Dip