
Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator: A Review

The Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator: A Review of a great Wine gadget!. Have you seen those funny looking Wine Aerators and wondered what they were all about?

We have been told by a many friends, family and fellow wine lovers that to get the full effect from a wine, you should make sure that the wine has had enough air. This makes sense on some level, as wine has been corked up in the bottle for who knows how many years.


But the science behind how much “air” to give a glass of wine was a mystery to us before we got the Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator. This  cool wine gadget allows you to open up a bottle of wine, pour a glass throught the Aerator and then TaDa! The wine is fully “aired” and ready to drink.

No more waiting, no more guessing if the wine has been open long enough…before you get to drink! (OK seriously, who really wants to open a bottle of wine and then wait for an hour… or longer….grrrr… )

The real benefit? This Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator kinda “smooths” out some of the Trader Joe’s $3.99 wines… right from the first glass… yum!

In fact when we first bought this Aerator, we did an little taste -test where we opened up a bottle of red wine and poured a glass the regular way, and then poured a second glass using the Aerator. We were pleasantly surprised to actually taste a difference between the two glasses.  Without the aerator, the wine was dryer and lacked the full taste that eventually showed up later on that evening. The glass that we passed through the aerator: the wine was smooth and the flavors were more intense right from the first sip.

Here is a link if you want to read more about the Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator.  It would make a great gift for a friend and/or yourself…

What do you think?  Do you have a Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator? Share below or on Facebook ~Thanks!